XVII International Small Angle Scattering Conference - SAS2018
Grand Traverse Resort & Spa, Traverse City, Michigan, October 7-12, 2018.
The United States has hosted this international conference three times (Syracuse, 1965; Gatlinburg, 1977; Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1999). Since the last conference in this series to be held in the U.S. was 1999, it is a great time to again hold this conference in the U.S.
Coincident with major facility upgrades with new or renewed small-angle scattering capabilities across the U.S. (Advanced Photon Source, High Flux Isotope Reactor, Linac Coherent Light Source, National Synchrotron Light Source-II, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Spallation Neutron Source) either complete or well-in-progress, the SAS2018 conference offers a timely opportunity to promote stronger scientific and personal interactions.
SAS2018 will serve to showcase the progress of small-angle scattering research in North America, including the many instruments at user facilities across the continent and the rich variety of research taking place.
We expect high-level researchers from around the world involved in all aspects of small-angle scattering research will attend and draw even greater participation in these conferences by U.S. researchers.
The conference will also help to raise the visibility of the importance of small-angle scattering investigations in research and industry.
We chose Grand Traverse Resort & Spa in Traverse City, Michigan, as an ideal venue to help us promote strong interactions among the conference participants and to return this conference to a more intimate setting, in the style of a Gordon Research Conference.
Contact Us
For more information, questions, or to be added to our mailing list, please send your name, information, and questions to [email protected].
October 7–12, 2018
Grand Traverse Resort & Spa
100 Grand Traverse Village Blvd
Acme, MI 49610
United States
See All-
June 6, 2021,
Announcements, Pete Jemian
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October 9, 2018,
Announcements, Pete Jemian
Welcome to SAS2018!
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Announcements, Pete Jemian
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